目前分類:HOT of the world (14)

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PATIENTS at the Women's and Children's Hospital were under "serious threat" because of multiple breaches of fire safety standards.

The Metropolitan Fire Service ordered the hospital to undertake urgent repair work after the 2009 audit found "the maintenance of the essential fire safety provisions appear to have been neglected for a long time".

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This post was written by  on May 1, 2012 



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20111025 - from NFPA news

根據國家防火協會NFPA 發布) 在美國家庭火災煙霧報警器 “報告顯示,


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文章來源:Louise Jackman and Kelvin Annable are members of BRE Global’s fire suppression team

(For more information email jackmanl@bre.co.uk or annablek@bre.co.uk . Click here for a more detailed account of the research tests carried out.)

實驗對象:Tests simulated a typical office fire load

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劉大衛在曼斯菲爾德的Dial Hotel and Market Inn,因犯下152005

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Newquay的彭哈洛酒店火災,致三人死亡,20078月被因違反消防安全法規罰款 8萬英鎊,並責令支付六萬二千英鎊訴訟成本。

彭哈洛酒店的擁有人:Holdsworth, O & C Ltd 2005年時在特魯羅刑事法庭承認以下兩項罪行:

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英國Blackburn hostel 因房客吸煙發生火災,致該房客(Mr. Barker)死亡


檢查官Joe表示,若能啟動疏散引導,說不定Mr. Barker就不會死了

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Remembering the MGM Grand Fire

November 21 marks the 30th anniversary of the MGM Grand Hotel fire in Las Vegas, Nevada, which killed 85 people and injured hundreds more. It was the second largest loss-of-life hotel fire in the United States, surpassed only by the 1946 fire at the Winecoff Hotel in Atlanta, in which 119 people died.

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在澳大利亞堪培拉(Canberra, Australia)工業工廠

915發生系列爆炸,火災肆虐超過 22小時。


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報導, 估計每年在美國餐廳建築發生火災約有5900件,估計平均造成75人受傷和1.72億美元的財產損失。


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America's Tallest Skyscraper Becoming a Solar Farm

芝加哥的威利斯大廈,美國最高的建築物 - 前身為西爾斯大廈,為一個重要的綠色改造案例。 南側的56層設置太陽能電動玻璃窗戶,成為能生產 2兆瓦的太陽能垂直農場。

Chicago's Willis Tower, America's tallest building -- formerly known as the Sears Tower, is getting a major green makeover.  The south side of the 56th floor will soon be home to solar electric glass windows, turning the tower into a 2-MW vertical solar farm.

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